Saturday, 22 October 2016

PBS in Barbados - Why Prioritizing Customer Service Helps Your Business

Offering high quality customer service is vital if you are going to run a successful business. This is a philosophy that PBS has followed ever since its inception and it is one they are quick to promote amongst other businesses in the aim of helping them to develop. There are a number of reasons why you should place a large amount of focus on customer service.

Repeat Business
If a customer is unhappy with the quality of the service that you provide to them, it is unlikely that they are ever going to use your services again. This is particularly the case in an age where the internet makes practically any product available to a person, no matter where they are in the world. Customers who are unhappy with you may be willing to look online despite the inconvenience, regardless of whether or not you have the local market cornered.

Your Reputation
If you treat customers poorly, they are going to tell other people about the service they have received. This poor word of mouth will have a direct effect on your business, as you not only lose the customer that you treated poorly, but you also potentially lose a number of other customers before they ever set foot inside your doors.

Show Customers You Care
PBS Barbados is quick to point out that customers don’t always want the cheapest service, especially if a company is capable of showing the customer that they value them. Many will stick with a company in Barbados because the level of service they receive is of an exceptionally high quality, which means that it pays to treat your customers well.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

PBS in Barbados - Strategies For Evolving Your Business

PBS offers business development services to a number of companies in Barbados, helping them to take the necessary steps in order to evolve their business and enjoy even more success in their industry. They have created the following strategies that force companies to step outside of their comfort zones and evolve in an effort to grow.

Offer New Products
Once you have established yourself as a trustworthy supplier of quality products or services, you now have the chance to introduce more products to your range. Your established customer base will often be interested, especially if the product is useful to them, and their previous experiences with the company will make them more likely to do business with you.

Create A Strong Culture
The values you hold as the owner of your business should be prevalent in every area of the company. You need to create a strong office culture that informs the way everybody works and the level of quality that is offered to the customer. This often takes a little bit of time, so make sure you keep pushing until the business operates as you want it to.

Is there something that you can do that nobody else in your industry can? Is this something that your customers are going to want? PBS recommends that all businesses in Barbados look for ways to innovate in any way they can, as this allows them to separate themselves from the pack in addition to offering a way to evolve the company and ensure people see it in a new light.

Friday, 30 September 2016

PBS in Barbados - Tips For Growing Your Business

PBS has focused on helping other businesses develop in Barbados for more than a decade, ensuring that they enjoy consistent growth thanks, in part, to the level of service they receive from the company. They also recognize that some companies begin to struggle and hit a plateau at certain points, so they offer the following tips for how you can grow your business.

Focus On The Business Side
Being able to run a business well is completely different than being good at a particular service. For example, a plumber may be able to run a small business that involves just them, but will struggle if they try to expand and employ people. As such, you need to recognize that for your business to grow you are going to have to place less focus on your chosen profession and more on the day-to-day running of the actual business.

Implement New Technology
A lot of companies are afraid of new technology, taking the “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” route of thinking to the extreme at times. However, just because something isn’t broken, doesn’t mean that it can’t be improved. By implementing the right technologies, you will often be able to improve efficiency, leaving you with more time to focus on other aspects of the business.

Keep Marketing
PBS Barbados notes that many businesses in Barbados look at marketing as though it is a needless expense, particularly when the economy gets tough. However, it is very unlikely that your company will grow on word of mouth alone, so you need to invest in good marketing to increase exposure, ensuring your service is of a high quality when the customers do come.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

PBS in Barbados - How To Create A Good Marketing Campaign

PBS offers a wide range of services to clients in Barbados, including a range of printing services that help other businesses demonstrate what they have to offer to potential customers. Creating a good marketing campaign is no easy task, but it is essential if you want to enjoy continued business development. With that in mind, consider all of the following when you work on your marketing.

Your Budget
The amount of money that you have to spend on your marketing efforts is going to play a large part in what you can actually do. Once you have settled on a budget, you can cross out techniques that will cost too much. While this may seem disadvantageous, it actually allows you to fully focus your efforts on the techniques that you can use, ensuring you get the most out of them.

Get To The Point
While your marketing materials need to provide information to potential customers, you should not allow them to become so bogged down in details that people lose interest. Make your points quickly and succinctly while encouraging customers to contact you for more information. This allows you to build intrigue and establish connections with potential clients.

Use Social Media
Social media has changed marketing in many ways, particularly in terms of the way word of mouth can be used to promote or damage a company’s reputation. PBS Barbados recommends that all businesses in Barbados maintain a strong social media presence, using such sites to interact directly with customers while also promoting their own products and services.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

PBS Barbados Partners With Global Delivery Giant FedEx

Many arms of the FedEx brand have resulted in FedEx operating the largest fleet of civil aircraft in the world, and delivering more freight than any other airline. PBS Barbados benefits from the airfreight forwarding service offered by FedEx Freight between the mainland of the U.S. and Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and other Caribbean islands, including Barbados.

FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Custom Critical and FedEx Global Logistics came into the vocabulary with the FedEx name umbrella of 2000. FedEx Corporate Services was created to handle the sales, marketing and customer service for FedEx ancillary companies, and FedEx Trade Networks was born of the acquisition of the acquisition of logistics companies TowerGroup and World Tariff. PBS Barbados partners with this global giant of speedy delivery.

Placing FedEx firmly in the retail sector to serve the general public, FedEx acquired Kinkos Printing and Document Services in 2004, and added its brand to the name. FedEx Kinko’s locations offered FedEx shipping, and the Kinko’s name was dropped from the name in 2008, leaving the moniker as FedEx Office. This retail arm of FedEx offers to companies like PBS Barbados copying, digital printing, finishing, document creation, Internet access, computer rentals, signs and graphics, direct mail, Web-based printing, and FedEx shipping.

PBS Barbados in the Warren Industrial Park of St. Michael, Barbados, specializes in business solutions. Offerings for the corporate, individual or small business owner struggling with business-related issues include marketing strategies for image, pricing and service. Technology in postal and document solutions offer answers to the creation and handling of documents as well as the efficient movement of postal items, both incoming and outgoing.


Sunday, 31 January 2016

PBS Barbados is Founded at a Time of Swift Economic Growth in the Caribbean

Dutch citizenship is held by the residents of Aruba, Curacao and Sint Maarten, islands in the Eastern Caribbean of the Western Hemisphere. Several Caribbean islands continue to be tied to European countries or to the United States. The United States has a strong concern for the Caribbean as an important geopolitical region, through trade ties and the perceived threat of communist infiltration in the 20th century. PBS Barbados values support for island economic development by its large neighbor to the north.

As sugar production declined due to more favorable economic conditions for sugar in other parts of the world, the islands have sought other areas for economic development, and found an important one in tourism. Jamaica and the Bahamas dominated the tourism industry in the Caribbean early on, and continue to be the most popular tourist destination in the Caribbean, where tourist-based business concerns utilize the services of PBS Barbados to continually upgrade technological efficiencies for their clients.

Foreign investors in the Caribbean islands have led to the construction of hotels and resorts. The financial service industry has grown in the Caribbean islands due to the attraction to clients in the United States seeking to avoid U.S. taxation. The Caymans, the British Virgin Islands and the Antilles of the Netherlands have large and competitive financial service industries and these, along with a thriving shipping industry, utilize the business services of PBS Barbados. Deep water ports have been constructed in the latter half of the 20th century in the Barbados and the Bahamas, allowing the Caribbean to become competitive in the large-scale shipping industry.


Tuesday, 19 January 2016

DNA Background of PBS Barbados Clients Likely Still Indigenous

After 250AD, Barrancoid humans resettled Trinidad and Tobago of the Eastern Caribbean, and were joined by the Arauquinoid, or Arawaks from the Orinoco river basin of Venezuela in South America. Finally, the Mayoid or Caribs arrived in Trinidad around 1300AD. At the time of Columbus’ explorations in the Caribbean of 1492AD and after, three central indigenous tribes lived in the Caribbean: the Taino of the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Jamaica and the Leeward Islands, the Caribs and Galibi of the Windward Islands, and the Ciboney of Cuba. Scientific DNA studies conducted in Puerto Rico in the early 2000’s indicate that 61 percent of Puerto Ricans today have Amerindian mitochondrial DNA, retaining strong ethnic connections to indigenous inhabitants, a source of pride for today’s PBS Barbados.

After the voyages of Columbus, Portuguese and Spanish explorers claimed territories in Central America and began their shipments of gold from these regions, prompting England, Dutch and French powers to establish territorial right so their own in the Caribbean. Thus were rivalries formed and contests initiated throughout the Caribbean for dominance, and the inheritance of those colonial days continues to drive the Eastern Caribbean clientele of PBS Barbados.

The Spanish came to the region seeking wealth, and promptly enslaved the native populations, driving them to extinction through conquest, disease and war. The Spanish imported African slaves when indigenous peoples died out or escaped. Spain attempted to lay claim to the entire Caribbean, but formed a stable presence only in Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Cuba and Trinidad, and were a presence in Cubagua and Margarita off the Venezuela coast between 1500 and 1550 as they plundered the pearl beds of these islands. The inheritance of Spain’s exploitation continues to reverberate today for the clientele of PBS Barbados.


Thursday, 7 January 2016

PBS Barbados - Three Tips for Developing Strong Business Relationships

PBS Barbados is a business solutions and integration firm. They provide products and services to companies in the Caribbean via the representation partnerships they have with global brands such as Xerox, Cisco, Oracle, Entrust Datacard, and more. The products and services they provide are essential to their clients’ ability to run their day-to-day operations. It is important that they maintain a strong relationship with both their clients and the global brands that they represent. Here are three tips for developing strong business relationships.

First and foremost, companies who are helpful to their business partners are valuable to their partners, thus strengthening their relationship. It is important to available and of service to all clients and business that a company shares a relationship with. The more helpful a company is, the more likely their clients and business partners are to return the favor.

Companies should keep their clients informed about what is happening at the company. They should do the same with business partners as well. This strengthens a relationship because it shows that the relationship is important and it provides an opportunity to receive and give feedback.

Companies should stay in contact with business partners and clients. Speak to them on the phone regularly, or join them for coffee. This adds a personal touch to the relationship and ensures that the partnership is not easily forgotten or overlooked.

PBS Barbados has been serving companies in the Caribbean for over 40 years. They were rebranded in 2006 after the Facey Group acquired them. They were previously known as Barbados Business Machines Limited (BBM).

PBS Barbados Values Business Partnerships Which Give Clients the Best

Small business, schools, multinational corporations and healthcare providers all have varying demands in the types of copying and document creation needs in their organizations.  Xerox Alliance is partnered with PBS Barbados to provide the latest in document creation, copying, storage and retrieval services.  Xerox Alliance allows PBS Barbados to offer the possibilities of increased sales for its clients, as different revenue streams are opened with the introduction of new technologies.  Through Xerox Alliance, PBS Barbados offers the possibility for applications which are configured to the user’s server technologies, allowing for Xerox multifunction capabilities.

PBS Barbados has also partnered with Cisco Systems for over 25 years. A multinational company, Cisco Systems out of San Jose, California is a leading designer and manufacturer of networking equipment.  Cisco was founded in 1984 by Leonard Bosack and his wife, Sandy Lemer.  The name Cisco was truncated from the city name San Francisco, with the logo of the company intended to reflect the towers of the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. Cisco was one of the first companies to sell successful routers for multiple networks, and continues to provide evolving technology which keeps up with changing software needs.  Cisco has been and continues to be a reliable source of service provider technologies, and PBS Barbados is the source for this trusted name in routers and network equipment.

To provide ease of daily business administration, PBS Barbados partners with Oracle.  Oracle builds database development tools and provides systems for software ranging from resource planning, customer relationship management and supply chain applications.  Oracle software increases PBS Barbados’ ability to provide, exponentially, the latest in computer applications to its clientele.